Half Day Brewing Company

200 Village Green S. Lincolnshire, IL 60069

Phone: 847.821.6933

Website | Reservations | Map

Half Day Brewing Company features artisan hand-tossed pizza made in a wood-fired oven with a very thin crust and exceptional flavor profiles.House-made chips, Dutch-oven steamed mussels, truffle deviled eggs, proprietary ground beef-blend hand-patty burgers, Braised Beef-of-the-Day and baked pasta dishes. The Brewhouse produces up to 12 different brews, from Lagers to IPAs, to stouts and seasonal, and even some small batch wood barrel-aged specialty beers. The brew master also creates craft sodas, hosts brewery tours and lets guests sample their craft brews! Also open for outdoor dining, curbside pickup and takeout.


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